About Us

This website is dedicated to proving or disproving my believe that I am able to accurately predict NFL events – transactions and game outcomes.  It may be a natural human tendency to have selective memory and forget all my unsuccessful calls.  It may also be that I possess a unique blend of intuition and thoughtfulness that positions me to make correct predictions at rate better than the average NFL fan.

Either way, I am passionate about football and feel like its time to find out. My endeavor here is to be held accountable for any predictions that I may make.  Through this website, I will document my predictions and keep a running tally of my success rate.  Also, I’ll occasionally write summary articles that include updates of my progress and try to keep a summary table some where on the site.

I’ll keep the articles short and fun to read.  Please feel free to comment on posts and share your thoughts.  I look forward to finding out where I lie on the prognostication meter in real time in full view of the Internet. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!